a short film by Craig Tovey, starring Tara Erickson & Blayne Weaver
A determined actress is willing to do whatever it takes to make it in Hollywood, but when she's stripped of a big opportunity, she breaks down in epic fashion.
is the story of determined actress who spends her days grinding in pursuit of her dream- a working actor. Most days are spent in her car traversing Los Angeles County from one frustrating audition, side gig, acting class, improv team, self-funded indie project, and Bumble date to another. When emerging director Mitchell invites her over to talk about a role in his upcoming film she dares to hope that she might just break through.
“Prime of Your Life exists to remind the gods of Hollywood that actors are real people working tirelessly to perfect their craft while at the same time scraping by to simply survive. Tovey’s short also exists to show that Tara Erickson can act and pull off that all-important final speech with authenticity and passion.”
- ALAN NG, Film Threat

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